Wednesday, August 17, 2011

NBC 5 News Story about James

I can't believe I forgot to post this!

On Monday, Lindsay Wilcox from the DFW local NBC station came and interviewed us about James and the giraffe.  She did a wonderful story about James, the tumor, and how the baby giraffe happened to be born a week after he died.  Lindsay was so incredibly kind.  I just loved her!  She has a 2 year old daughter and an 8 month old son who are both adorable.

I just feel like we really got along with her, and she was just so warm and welcoming.  I love the way she told James' story, and I am so glad that I got to meet her!


  1. A very touching news story! She did a wonderful job! I have been following ya'll since a co-worker told me about James and I have to say that ya'll are very strong and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! I also wanted you to know I sent in 10 forms to the zoo! I got my family members to fill them out!! I hope they pick Jamie!

  2. I posted on my facebook page and hope to get people to get the form filled out and sent in by Sunday. Much love and I just KNOW there's gonna be a Jamie the Giraffe at the Dallas Zoo. ♥

  3. I think about you, Matt, and Jamesie everyday. Yesterday, my boss and I were talking, and I found myself telling her about Jamesie, about what an extraordinarily gorgeous baby he was and will always be. I work in a hospital in Critical Care.

    I admire you so very much. When I lost my son, I tried to get out of bed on the days when I didn't have to be at work, and I didn't always make it. You are so right about the endorphins. Exercise really does help even when we think it won't and would rather not do it. In my present crisis, I have strongly considered throwing in and coping in unhealthy ways, but you are an inspiration. I considered renewing my gym membership and decided against it. Now, following your example, I know I will renew it.

    How hard it must have been for you to donate your breast milk, but it was a compassionate, helpful thing to do.

    I've missed your postings, and I welcomed seeing them here tonight. You are an amazingly talented writer, and your ability to write so honestly and touchingly about James not only honors him, but what you write greatly helps many of us who have also lost children.

    You, Matt, and Jamesie are always in my prayers.

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