Monday, August 8, 2011

Giraffe Necklace


Do you see this beautiful giraffe necklace?

I wear it every day now.

My sweet friend, Jean E, and my Sunday School Class contacted Lorelei from LoreleiRose etsy shop about possibly purchasing this necklace for me. Within 30 minutes of emailing Lorelei, Jean E had a response that Lorelei not only had this necklace, but she had already stamped it with Jamesie's name and was just waiting to send it to me. Lorelei shipped it immediately, and the amazing women of my Sunday School class bought all the ones she had in stock to wear in memory of James.

Lorelei has made some more necklaces, and she is offering to give $8 of every sale to James's fund.

I can't tell you how much I love this necklace. It's beautiful, and I am so grateful that Lorelei wants to donate $1 for every month of sweet Jamesie's life to his fund. If you would like your own giraffe necklace (which you should, because I hear giraffes are making a come back :) ) please follow the link and Lorelei will get you your very own.


  1. oh no. she's sold out! hopefully she'll do more. can you let us know if she does? :( i was looking forward to it!

  2. What a beautiful thing! And yes, she's sold out! But I'll be buying 2 of these little guys when they're available. Your SS class gets 2 thumbs up.

  3. Hi all, I've had an overwhelming response of people who want this sweet giraffe in honor of little James... I am sold out and just waiting to make sure I can get more. When I do, I will re list them. You can send me a message in my shop and I will let you know when I have more up for sale. Its heartwarming how many people will be wearing these and thinking of James.

  4. yes, I would like to buy one also.. :)

  5. Me too! What a sweet necklace for a sweet baby boy!

  6. Wow. Already sold out. I will be ordering one as soon as they are available.

  7. I have been following your blog for the past couple of week and my heart aches for you loss. Unfortunately my friend and her husband experienced the same loss in January. Their newborn baby girl, Paige, was diagnosed with leukemia at birth. Just three days after her arrival in this world she went into the arms of Jesus. I was with my friend the the day Paige went into the arms of Jesus and it was a memory that will stick with me for a lifetime. I say this because Marissa also started a blog to record her honest feelings over their loss. I wanted to share her blog with you so you could be in contact with someone who understands your darkest moments and knows the pain you and your husband are suffering. Her blog is You and your husband will continue to be in my prayers.

  8. Kara, I am your sister in suffering. I am one of those moms whose daughter never took a breath in this world. She died at 37 weeks, and I gave birth to a dead baby...hardest thing I've ever been through. The necklace is lovely. Madison was born in August, so I wear a lovely necklace a friend made for me with a peridot stone in it, which is the August birthstone. I LOVE it. I am SO sorry for your loss, and have been praying for you since I came across your blog. I will continue to do that. Keep talking to us...that helps a bit, if anything possibly can. Love and prayers to your whole family.

    Love, Kathryn

  9. I visited a cafe yesterday that I had never been to before and it was decorated in "giraffe". From the paint job on the feature wall to the hundreds of giraffes adorning the shelves, including the 7' one in the corner behind my table.

    It made me smile & think of your beloved James.

    Sending love, missing James with you.

  10. I will also be ordering one once available. His/your story reminded me what is really important in life. I have been spending as much time with my little ones, hugging them tightly and not worrying about the dishes or laundry. Your story has strenghened my faith and have prayed every night since discovering your blog for James, your family and those near and dear to my heart. He will be remembered always. Hugs from Norman OK.

  11. I can't wait to order one! Everywhere I go and see giraffes or giraffe print I think if your sweet sweet boy who I think of everyday when I see my son. Such a beautiful way to remember him by.

  12. I hope I will be able to get one when there are more available to order! Again I know you only because ofsome mutual friends but I would LOVE to have a daily reminder of how jamesie's life changes my heartvand perspective! What a fabulous idea started by your friends. I am glad to also hear you are so deeply loved and supported. My 23.5 month old boy has been the one to start the prayers for you lately, when we start our bedtime prayers he says " mommy daddy James". We have also asked everyone to support james' fund instead of birthday gifts for our son. I am amazed at the empathy and understanding God can give my almost 2 year old, which encourages me even morevabout the true soul and person that James was and that there is just no doubt God can have a greater purpose for an 8 month old life than many many 80 year old lives. We continue to pray for you everyday!


    I created this digital portrait the day that James passed away... If you'd like a larger file, I can email you that! My email is

    You're love for James really touched my heart... He was truly blessed to have you guys as parents!

    I know you said you'd never get any more pictures of James.. I thought this could add to your collection. Of course I had to go with the giraffe print background.

    Sending thoughts and prayers from Irvine, California. James' spirit has touched many lives and we will always celebrate our lives in his honor.

  14. I have been thinking of you both and darling wee James so much in the last few days. I just wanted you to know I will never forget James' story and your love for him. You remain in my thoughts always.

  15. How perfect! I have thought about you so much since reading your blog - every day actually - and I continue to pray for you and your husband. I am so glad that you are surrounded with thoughtful, loving friends and are blessed with this special keepsake. (I have one of my own with my son's name - Max Joseph - that I wear almost everyday.) Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You are a gift.

  16. Dmordin, that is a beautiful portrait and seems to truly capture James' spirit. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Agree with Kristen above, beautiful portrait of a beautiful little boy, Dmordin!

  18. Aaron Keyes, "O Praise Him"

    I saw this and though of you. Praying.

  19. Please, please let us know when more are available. Thinking of you!

  20. I hope she gets more soon! I cannot wait to buy one!

  21. I posted a comment on an earlier post and forgot to say i have a baby girl Amy who is 4 days older than James - she has his huge blue eyes too - James' life and passing has made her even more precious to me.

    We recently went on holiday (vacation?) to the seaside and visited a zoo (me, dh, and three kids). When deciding what to wear I put on my giraffe t-shirt and a really cute t-shirt on my little girl with a cartoon giraffe - and thought of James. We later visited the giraffe house and I thought of him again. I suspect giraffes will always be linked in my head with your gorgeous little boy. He will never be forgotten over here in the UK too.

    Caroline xxx

  22. Continuing to pray for you from First United Methodist Church :) in Cookeville, TN

  23. I just wanted to let you know that I still think of your sweet family (especially baby James) and am praying for you guys every day (multiple times per day to be honest...). You are heavy on everyone's hearts and mind, I hope you are still feeling the love and support! I'm looking forward to getting a necklace myself!

  24. Thinking of you and praying for you, hoping you are finding peace amidst the grief.

  25. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I know that the days have probably been very difficult - time passes and support may fade, but your grief is still fresh. Please know that you are not forgotten, and I still think of precious little Jamesie.

  26. They're available again. I just placed my order.

    God Bless

    Cristal Skye

  27. Dear Kara
    I hope so much that they name the baby giraffe Jamesie. Yesterday I went for a walk with my friend M and we talked a lot about your story and how that people all over the world who you have never met are just so touched by your and Jamesie's journey. We are in Australia. James touched so many. I am sure that there are literally thousands of people around the world who are still talking about you, thinking of you and wishing you the very best. Every time I see a giraffe I think of you, and James xx

  28. Hi,
    I heard about your blog on Angie Smith's blog. I too lost a baby, although my boy only lived for about 25 minutes. He was an identical twin and his brother is in the NICU. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Although our experiences are different, I feel your pain of losing a child. I read in one of your other posts about wanting someone to ask about your James so that you can talk about him, I get that and I feel the same way. I also know how it feels to not really know what you feel! Those necklaces are so cute and I was given a necklace with my boys names on it that I wear all the time and it often prompts people to ask about it and then i do get to talk about my Carter. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for your loss.

  29. I just placed my order. I started following your blog a day before James passed away. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss and even though this sounds very generic, I hope you and your family are able to find peace. Please keep updating this blog with opportunities to get involved or donate to worthy causes.

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