Sunday, August 7, 2011

Giraffe Baby at the Dallas Zoo!

A few weeks ago, my friend Jean E. had some very exciting news for me! The Dallas Zoo has had a baby giraffe born just a few weeks ago. She's a baby girl giraffe, which is great because if she had been a boy the zoo would not have been able to keep her!

The zoo is having a naming contest right now for this precious baby giraffe.

And so we naturally had a thought....

Wouldn't it be neat if the Baby giraffe was unofficially named after Jamesie?!

The zoo is collecting entries until August 21st for names.

And so we are proposing that everyone send it the name "JAMIE THE GIRAFFE" for this new baby giraffe!

I can't tell you how excited I would be if they named this giraffe after James.

Can't you see how much he loved feeding the giraffe?! :)
I seriously want to cry just thinking about it! So would you all please download this form, and send it back to the Dallas zoo? You don't have to live in Dallas (0r the United States!) to enter.

The form is available on the Dallas Zoo website or click here.

The pictures above were taken the two times we were able to take Jamesie to the zoo to see the giraffes. He was only 6 months old and almost 7 months old in the pictures. How great would it be if the Zoo was able to name the new baby Jamie?! The baby was born just a few days after we buried James.

And if you are interested in helping me with this endeavor, would you mind sending it to all of your friends?! The more people on board, the greater the chance that the Zoo will pick Jamie as the name!

Thank you all so much for your help. I'll probably keep posting this, so I am so sorry if it gets repetitive!


  1. Hey girl, I don't think your links are working. I'd LOVE to send in my form!

  2. Thanks Jen! Are you able to open the form? I fixed the zoo link...I'm sure it was user error on my part.

  3. The links aren't working...

    This is the first time I have commented on your blog.I have read it and cried every time. You have such amazing strength, courage, and faith. I mourn for your loss.My mom told me when I had children that everything is temporary. This includes your absence with James. You will be with him again, he is waiting with Jesus for you. Once a mother, always a mother, don't ever let anyone tell you different, or have second thoughts on this. Your family is in my prayers, God Bless you.

  4. Hey, it looks like the link that the zoo posted is messed up (at least on my computer). I'll keep trying!!

  5. I was able to access the Dallas Zoo website through Google. I'll add that to my facebook post!

  6. Okay it works now! Yay! I've printed off copies and passed them out to people at work! :)

  7. I've made copies as well and will be rounding up as many people as I can to vote!

  8. I have been following your journey for a while now and I am amazed at your strength and hope in these tough days. I have a little boy named James as well, and I really hope the giraffe will be named after your son. What a great way to carry on his name and spirit! I have already filled out the form and will be sending today.

  9. LOVE the blog layout! Kelly did such an amazing job!!!!!

  10. Ill do a post on my blog, and also pass the news along!!

    PS I love the new layout! Such a sweet pic of the angel boy!

  11. Your new blog layout is BEAUTIFUL. I'm definitely going to fill out the zoo form. I'm so happy you're continuing to write. I haven't stopped checking your blog for one second. You and Matthew remain in our prayers. Please keep writing about precious James and your feelings. I find writing to be so cathartic.

  12. I will be voting tomorrow! I hope and pray that this giraffe will be named after James. The new layout for the website is great. Thank you for continuing to post. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers on a daily basis.

  13. Done! I added your link to my facebook page... Hopefully that will help! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I know every time I see a giraffe I think of your sweet James. Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us. You are amazing.

  14. Just wanted to let you know that there are so many people out there thinking of your sweet baby boy all day long. I was guided to your blog through a friend's blog and my life is changed forever. Your courage and positive attitude is an amazing testament to your faith. As a fellow giraffe lover, I am all over this contest. I am passing them out to all of my friends tomorrow night at dinner. Also, I got an e-mail from Lorelei on Etsy that she has more giraffes in stock :) I will be buying my necklace tonight.

  15. I'm in Kara! They're gonna wonder why a woman in Nashville cares so much about a giraffe in Dallas!;)

  16. Just posted about it on my blog as well as Facebook. Mailing my entry tomorrow. I so hope the name wins. I can't wait to take my boys to meet Jamie in person!

    Much love,
    Stacie Smith

  17. My form is all filled out and ready to go in the mail tomorrow. I have shared on my facebook wall and with my family's law firm staff. With as many people as James touched, knew and loved, I have no doubt in my mind we will have a Jamie the Giraffe for you! And I'll probably cry my eyes out when it's announced.

  18. Our family voted! Shared on my Facebook as well! Praying that the Dallas Zoo welcomes Jamie the giraffe into their animal family.

  19. From St Louis Mo, I have printed this out and will mail it in today, have also shared on my Facebook! Good luck, I hope this make the news and all vote for the name Jamie!

  20. Two votes mailed off this morning from TN! I've got copies ready for family & friends too. Continuing to pray for your family.

  21. We voted and encouraged others to do the same. Just a thought: I suspect that when the zoo selects "Jamie" as the baby giraffe's name, they will award the prize (trip to San Diego) to you. If you think it's a good idea, you might tell the zoo in advance that you would donate the prize to Make-a-Wish or some other organization? It would be a great way to help another child in James's name. My family prays for you constantly.

  22. im voting and i shared it on FB as well. im also sending in a separate vote for all the members of my family!

  23. I'm voting, and I've asked my friends too. I'm glad you updated, I've been thinking of you both, and James, everyday.

  24. Filled it out and will drop it in the mail tommorrow. Please, please know you'll always have a place here to talk about James. He will never be forgotten. I took a picture at the zoo of my daughter with the giraffes. I told her it was for Jamesie.

  25. From a fellow giraffe lover, I'm printing it out and will drop it in the mail today!

  26. I'm also, having my family participate! Praying for your healing.

  27. I have my form ready to print and am sharing on facebook. I've been thinking of your family since I ran across your blog in a Babycenter post and read your story. Sending prayers your way!

  28. This includes your absence with James. You will be with him again vimax canada , he is waiting with Jesus for you. Once a mother, always a mother, don't ever let anyone tell you different, or have second thoughts on this. Your family is in my prayers, God Bless you...!!!

