Tuesday, August 9, 2011

CBS 11 News story about James

CBS 11 News in DFW came today and interviewed Matthew and I about James and our efforts to get the Giraffe named after Jamesie!

Below is a link to the video and the news story if you are interested in watching!


CBS is also airing the segment again during the 4:00 news hour today (August 10th).  I would love for you to check it out live if you are in the DFW area!  We had a great time talking with Jay, the reporter.  He was so kind and compassionate and I am so thankful that he did the story on sweet James.  Jay is expecting his first son in October and so he really understood what it was like as a parent wanting to carry on your child's legacy.  


  1. I love it that you are wearing a giraffe print dress and a giraffe tie. I hope the giraffe baby is named Jamie.x

  2. It was such a great piece! Loved your giraffe print!!

  3. AMAZING! I'm so excited to see that your local news did a story on this! I'm rallying up people here in California to send in forms and vote for Jamie the giraffe!

  4. You guys did great. I've sent in my form, and I just want to reiterate that there are lots of us thinking about James and thinking about you every single day!

  5. I saw the story - you all are so strong! I'm passing the link along to everyone I know in and out of Texas and telling them to vote vote vote!

  6. Sending your message loud and clear here in So Cal! Come on, Jamie the Giraffe! Praying for you always. <3

