Thursday, September 1, 2011


Jamie the Giraffe!!!!!!!

More details to follow :)


  1. I just saw the story on Channel 5 and was so excited to see the news!

  2. What a wonderful way to end the day! Congratulations.

  3. Oh, Kara! I am SO SO SO SO excited and happy! This is the greatest news I've heard in a long time! Congratulations!

  4. I am so very happy for you guys! This is great news :-)

  5. Yeah! I'm so happy to read this. Congratulations what a beautiful way to honor James.

  6. oh my goodness, I am so happy they named her Jamie, that's absolutely wonderful! We are still praying for you all, and sending our love from California!

  7. Yay! This news just made my day! I have been praying that the little giraffe would be named Jaime!

  8. YAY!!! THAT IS SO SO AWESOME!! Tears of joy! This news totally made my day!! (which wasn't going so well until now)

    Continuing to pray for you & your husband, Kara!

    Much love from The Millers in Ohio! :)

  9. I have tears in my eyes! So, so happy! What a legacy to have! Congrats to you guys!

    - The Jannise Family

  10. Congrats to your family! That is amazing! I am so glad that they chose to name her Jamie in honor of your sweet boy!

  11. YAY!!!!!!!! I was going to hate to have to go to Dallas and beat somebody up! LOL I'm sure the extremely touching letter that Matthew wrote to go along with his submission had NOTHING to do with it! I'm so happy that you will be able to take any future children to the zoo to meet the giraffe named after their awesome older brother who left you guys WAY too soon!!! Much love and hugs to your family!!!!

  12. I've been waiting until the 2nd to hear and am so glad they picked Jamie!! I think it is amazing how God lined up this special way to remember and honor James! I think about your family often and continue to pray for you and Matthew.

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhh I'M SO EXCITED FOR Y'ALL!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

  14. Yeah!!! I can't wait to take my kids to see Jamie! They know about James and we pray for your family each day. Hugs and blessings to both of you!!

  15. i saw the story on the news tonight, i was so happy...happy tears for you. i voted for jamie his name for the giraffe!!!

  16. So happy that the baby giraffe will now have a beautiful and meaningful name that you will treasure forever. God Bless you. I pray for you and Matthew often.

  17. That picture is almost as sweet as the picture of you with your Jamie..... Many praises!!!! Can't wait to meet Jamie, the giraffe!

  18. This is amazing. I have been reading your blog for a while now and this just makes my heart happy :)

    God Bless

  19. Yay!! This brought tears to my eyes!

  20. Wooohooo!!! I am so happy! What a great name! Go Jamie! Way to go James!

  21. So sweet and so happy James will be honored! Congratulations!

  22. Yay! I've been thinking about this all day! So glad to find out! Congratulations!

  23. SO amazing. I cried when I read this. So happy that James will be honored in this special way.

  24. Those simple sweet words just brought tears to my eyes! I am so happy!!

  25. Yay!!! I voted (and made my entire family vote) :-) So glad the zoo chose such a special name!

  26. Yay!!! So glad they picked Jamie!

  27. What a lucky Giraffe to be named after such a sweet boy. She will bring joy to lots of babies & children for years to come, a beautiful legacy for sweet Jamesie.

  28. Awesome, Im so glad that we all made this so possible. When I told my husband what we all had accomplished in the name of your little boy he teared up. Cant wait to hear the story....if there is one.

  29. OMG I came to check if you won. Yesterday was my birthday and I didnt get a chance to visit you...I wish I had cause this wouldve been the best gift! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! YAY for Jamesie! YAY for Jamie the giraffe!

  30. I am beyond excited!!!! I am not a very emotional person. I read the news while in the waiting room at the doctor's office and I started crying! I was so happy to hear the news. I am so happy for you and Matthew!

  31. I have been following your story since the very beginning. Your family is often in my thoughts and prayers. I am so excited about Jamie! My family is moving to Dallas next month and I can't wait to go see Jamie the Giraffe!

  32. I have been waiting for weeks to hear this news! i think about your family very ofter and so happy this happened.

  33. Kara and Matthew,
    You do not know me, but I felt the urge to send you this little message in hopes you will fully grasp the capacity in which your beautiful son has touched SO many hearts. I came upon your blog via a post from a fellow august 2010 mother, she had made a post on her blog about a little giraffe and a little boy named James, I instantly clicked over to the link to your blog. I lost myself in your words, in your pain and cried my eyes out for your hurt and for the loss of such an innocent and beautiful little child. I thought to myself how is this fair, why do these things happen, what is the greater purpose of giving such a beautiful gift only to rip it away? I don't have the answer to that and I know you don't either, but I do have a thought; to have genuine human compassion and empathy, that could be a little smidgen of what came out of such a tragedy. The evidence is apparent in the voting cast to name this giraffe.
    After I had dried my red blotchy eyes, I printed off a stack of forms and the heartbreaking letter that you sent to the Dallas Zoo, stapled them together and started passing them out to my co workers, I also handed them out to all my friends and family, and said, "we can help make this a reality, take 5 minutes and let this story speak to your heart." I don't know how many of my friends and family sent in the submission forms I DO know that there was between 5-10 including myself that filled them out from my work place. I am not looking for any words of thanks or even a response to this little message as I am sure you have enough on your plate as it is and have a billion and one emails and messages to reply to, I just wanted you to know that your son touched my heart and compelled me to dig a little deeper and be a little drop of water in a big pond, to do something that seemed like such a small task, but when put together with all the others that were touched, made something truly extraordinary happen. The power of genuine human compassion and empathy; what a beautiful thing that spreads so far and wide. I continue to pray for your hearts to be calmed and for the Lord to wrap his arms around your family and hold you ever so tightly and ease your sorrows in time. Your story has also made me really cherish every minute I have with my own family and to really soak it in because in a blink of an eye anything can happen. I thank you for sharing yourselves so freely and honestly and telling the story of a most precious life that surely will not be forgotten by many,ever.

    You're in my heart and prayers always,
    Kassie Keel-Price
    Anchorage, Alaska

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