Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Day at the Zoo

For all of our Dallas lawyer friends- this is a great event for you to attend!  (I don't know if we have ever said, but Matthew is an attorney in Dallas.  Maybe you guys have figured that out already.  I honestly cannot remember what we have said about our "8-5" lives.)

The DAYL is having a picnic and day at the zoo and accepting donations to the James Camden Sikes Fund that day.  October 29th would have been James's first birthday.  Matthew and I are tentatively planning on attending- every day is sort of a case-by-case basis, but we hope that we feel well enough to attend.

It should be a perfect fall day to be at the Zoo and see our sweet (or ornery, but I still think she is sweet!) Jamie.

So if you are an attorney in the DFW area, feel free to mail in your form.  And if not, don't let that stop you from heading to the zoo that day.  I promise the DAYL members are incredibly kind, and won't bite!! :)

A Big Thank You to the DAYL for thinking of our James...we are so grateful for you.


  1. I found your blog from a link and was so drawn to your family. My grandaughter's 6th birthday is on Oct 29th. I would like to make a donation in James' memory.
    My heart breaks for you and your husband Matt(my oldest son is Matthew) There is nothing I can say that seems appropriate except as a fellow mom, I grieve with you that James cannot come back.

  2. praying for you again this morning.... just cannot get you off my heart.

    May our Jesus hold you close each and EVERY single day.

  3. mwah! I know I already commented on this post... but this morning I came back to your blog because you were on my heart again... just wanted you to know someone in WI is praying for you RIGHT now!

  4. Hello Kara and Matthew...just wanted you to know you were thought of. I often come here to see James' big eyes, happy smile and wild man hair....that hair gves me such a tickle. James is remembered. His life was brilliantly short burst of energy. Like a shooting star full of wishes. I am so sorry he couldn't stay with you longer. I am so sorry.

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